Spa & Wellness Services

A healing technique that channels energy by means of touch to activate the natural healing process. Reiki restores physical and emotional well-being, reduces stress and promotes relaxation and healing.

Body Balance Detoxifying System
$35 for 30 minutes
Eliminates toxins through the pores of your feet, while energizing and enhancing your immune system.

Beeming White Teeth Whitening
This 60-minute treatment is safe, inexpensive and is completed with no gagging, sensitivity, or heat. Guaranteed 2 – 4 shades lighter.

Simply Beyond Pampering Body Scrub
This treatment will have you pampered beyond belief. Our sugar body scrubs will bring your skin back to feeling soft, moisturized, and supple. After you are scrubbed you can enjoy a nice private soak in our clawfoot bathtub. Then you'll be treated to a full body butter cream treatment. Treatment time approximately 2 hours.

Oxygen Bar
So what is an OXYGEN BAR exactly?! And what are the benefits?
An oxygen bar is a free-standing bar where people sit or stand at that offers non-medical oxygen mixed with various scents including aromatherapy. The air we normally breathe contains about 21% oxygen the rest is Nitrogen, Argon and other trace gasses. The oxygen in oxygen bars is between 90% and 92% oxygen allowing you to breathe 4 to 5 times the normal amount of oxygen.Oxygen bars give you an uplifted refreshed feeling as well as increased energy, detoxification, and a general overall increase in mood.Oxygen bar sessions reduce stress, increasing energy and alertness, lessening the effects of hangovers, headaches, and sinus problems, and generally relaxing the body.Breathing higher concentrations of oxygen has several benefits; the most commonly reported benefits are increased energy, an uplifted refreshed feeling, clearing of the mind, relief of toxic headaches such as the hangover, relief of stress and promotion of higher concentration levels. Oxygen is also a proven detoxifier and has anti-aging properties.Treatment time is 30 minute FDA approved.